Prayer, the Road to Success

Perhaps the most powerful tool any successful person has is the same tool each and every one of us has but so many of us prefer not to use it. That tool is prayer and that prayer has many facets and each is as important as the next.
The first thing about prayer is that it should not be used as a last resort to get out of a situation it must be the first thing you do. Look at so many sports teams who before any game get into a huddle and pray and many individual sports stars admit they pray before any game or match as well as as a team. Their success lies firstly in the fact that they know God wants them to be a success and secondly that they pray and speak to him before anything, God is first!
Prayer is tremendously powerful and all prayer with faith, trust in Christ Jesus is answered. Look at John 14: 12-14 “12″Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. 13″Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14″If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”
Prayer needs just a mustard seed of belief or faith to be fulfilled. The power of prayer has been known since before Christ. Many of the Psalms are written as prayers. But not all prayers are down on ones knees begging as many would care to imagine.
The asking prayers are perhaps the best known but there is a type of prayer that is immeasurably more powerful than a prayer of just asking. Prayers that say thank you have more power than can be imagined. God loves us and like any father he loves it when that love is recognized and that recognition comes from a simple “thank you” in the form of prayer.
There is no format for a prayer, some people prefer a written prayer that they read but prayer is little more than an open channel of communication between yourself and God. Prayer is the Whatsapp of heaven; prayer doesn’t have to be long-winded and structured or only said at a set time of day. Far from it, prayer can be short and sweet, just closing the world off around you for a short while and opening up the channel. Luke 5:16 says “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” And that doesn’t mean go lock yourself away, it could mean just switch off and take your mind away for a few moments to spend time with God.
Prayer is the key to success, ask almost any successful person. They trust God first and believe, they ask and because they believe they receive and most importantly when they receive they ultimately know where it came from and give thanks.
If you want success in life make prayer part of your life.