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Unchain Your You

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Module Devotion & Prayer: Finding Your Identity – The First Step is Always Christ

What do you see when you look in a mirror? What are the thoughts that initially go through your mind as you view your reflection? How do you define what makes you who you are?

Since you were born, culture has pushed you to find your identity in external things or within yourself. Both of these outcomes have scarred you, even if unknowingly, or lead you down a wrong path. It reveals one simple truth; society’s perspective will leave you wanting.

Who you are is not your career. It is not your financial situation, your social status, your outer appearance, or your relationships.  None of these are permanent or solid foundations as each can shift in an instant.  Basing your identity on wealth, power, success, or how you look will eventually leave you feeling lost, disappointed in how your life has turned out, and unfulfilled.

You may already have experienced or are currently at a time in your life where you feel let down and are questioning some of your decisions. Hear me though, your focus is keeping you down because you’re viewing yourself with society placed perspective.   It’s time to discover God’s perspective. He will uncover the lies Satan has led you to believe is truth.  Your true identity is in Christ and how He sees you.


Father, reveal to me the lies that have deceived me for so long. Allow me to be unchained from the false perception of myself.  Help me to focus on you and to see myself the way you see me.  Lead me to a self-giving love for myself and others that keeps me from self-hatred and other feelings of despair. Teach me your purpose for my identity and life.

Look up Ephesians 1:17-20, Ephesians 3:16-19, and Colossians 1:9-14. Then continue your prayer using those passages.



Here’s what you need to do today:

Meditate on the words God speaks to you through scripture. Download and print today’s devotion or write the below in a notebook. Then look up the verses provided and draw a line to its matching words. Use the blank spaces to fill in the rest of the verses or for your own notes.

You are Loved

Psalms 139:17-18 1 John 4:10 John 15:13
This is real love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and ___________





Greater love has no one than this ______________






How _______________ are your thoughts about me ______________________





You are Chosen

John 15:16 Ephesians 1:4 Ephesians 2:10 Romans 8:29
Foundation of the world





Predestined to become conformed





You didn’t choose me





His workmanship







You are Forgiven

2 Corinthians 5:19 Hebrews 8:12 Colossians 2:13




…And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.

When you were dead in your sins and ___________










…and I will remember their sins no more

You are Redeemed

Galatians 3:13 Titus 2:11-14 Colossians 1:13-14 Hebrews 9:15
Died as a ransom






Dominion of darkness





Cursed is everyone






All wickedness






You are Adopted

Ephesians 1:3-6 John 1:12-13 Romans 8:14-17
Chosen before the foundation of the world ______________________





The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit






He gave the right to become children of God







See Yourself as God Sees You, It Matters

You establish a new identity in Jesus if you place your confidence and faith in Him. You will come to grasp your true self in Christ as you spend more time in prayer and get to know Him personally via His word. As you learn to know Jesus more and more, the power of the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see areas of your life where you are not living in this identity. Relying on God will open and change as you begin to identify with Christ and become less like the outside world. Your relationship with Him and other believers will deepen too.

How would your lifestyle, relationships with others, and relationship with God alter if you truly thought that you are everything God claims you are?

Now that you know how much God values you, it’s time to look at your self-awareness and learn to value yourself too.


Which section invoked emotion within you? How will you change your thinking patterns based on what the Holy Spirit lead you through today? How does knowing how God sees you influence your self-awareness?