Beloved – A Place Where YOU Belong Forums The Woot Room Blessings of all shapes and sizes


  • Blessings of all shapes and sizes

    Posted by Mia on August 26, 2023 at 6:09 pm

    Have you ever gone through life, day to day, and felt like nothing big is happening? It’s sometimes difficult to recognize blessings in mundane days. Lately I’ve been seeing things so differently as I’ve focused my attention on my Lord, Jesus Christ. Though there are things I dislike about my life, everything is minor in the grand scheme of things when I recognize my joy isn’t in those things that sadden me, but on Jesus, Himself. I’m feeling so blessed that the creator of such marvelous wonders, the galaxies, the universe, cares enough to listen to me, ME! Praise God for His mercy, for His patience with me who messes up over and over again, for His Love. Amen.

    Mia replied 1 year, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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